As to the origins, beginning with Organic Gardening.
Whether you're an expert gardener, biological or who have simply decided that you want to be more self-confidence growing number of your own food, planting a garden requires planning. Adequate planning a garden and planted organic vegetables is naturally resistant to diseases, pests and discouraging a healthy and productive. With the spring planting season approaches, the winter is the perfect time to start.
What do you do with your land from the Earth this season? Start planning to set targets. Grab your garden map, a pencil, your gardening guides, catalogs and hat to think. List of the courtyard and separate garden areas (ie, lawn, garden, flower garden), and considering the size and conditions of your website, brainstorming! Planning a garden for the first time? Want to expand your existing garden? They have infested parasites or disease problems last year thatThey hope to prevent this year? What card? To create a map of your yard or garden, measure the size of your site as a whole and then the size of individual gardens, flower beds and lawns. The easiest way is to draw the map scale on a sheet of graph paper. These measures will be needed later if you decide to buy too much of a plant or seed. Once the map is drawn to information that you know the soil properties, drainage, write the EnvironmentalConditions (sunny, shady, windy), and the names of trees and shrubs that already exist. The paper will know exactly what to work on, and give you a realistic idea of the problems, attention, or would like to add or change features.
101 Garden
It 'important to understand the size of the project before you start. First, the basic information necessary to meet your goals, take an hour or a week, depending on the level ofExperience and how did you get involved in the design. Consult the garden Advisor is a good way to start - I suggest, Warren Schultz, the organic suburbanite, the farmer Eliot Coleman New Organic, chemical-Free Yard & Garden or Rodale Handy Book by Karen Thomas-response Garden Troshynski. You can also go to your local library and look at their resources, or contact the local garden club for their suggestions. How do you research to write, take place until each project is, what toolsneed, and the approximate cost of everything you need. This information will be invaluable when you make your grocery list and planning activities. Planning and organization. A timetable for the activities listed, what do you want to achieve in what time frame. That will help keep you on track. It 'important to be realistic about what they are capable.
This is not a project that can be taken alone a week. Graduation of the most important over time it will be easierto reach the end and save the frustration of unfinished projects. Long-term planning to help in the organization. You can schedule a year to year, which maps a time frame in which to achieve your goals high. Of course, the change of plans over time, is to learn new methods and you think your goals, but keep the focus of what is hoped to create in the long run to keep them motivated, what to do now.
Tool Tutorial
They have a plan!You have skills! You have the tools? Chances are, you may be able to get most of the tools at your local lawn and garden market. Bring the list that is mounted in Gardening 101, and if you're an expert gardener, suppose that the same pests and diseases back, they faced last year and buy your supplies now. If you are new to the scene the garden, buy the basic tools needed, and then the nose in the neighborhood and perhaps see your garden club, whichrecommended for what you plant and where you live.
Basic tools:
Diggers - You can use a spading fork for aerating your soil and you need to turn your compost pile. Look for a spading fork with rectangular, flat blades. A garden fork can also compost pile friendly when it comes to turning. Hoe - weeding tools are hoes and a short-handled tools with care. Both are produced in a variety of styles, and you'll probably want more than one each. Hoe Hoe typeinclude: Swan neck hoe - The curved neck places the blade just touching the surface below, making it ideal for light work around the garden plants. Oscillating Hoe - also known as Hula hoe or a fight, has a hinged double-edged blade, barely disturbing the soil surface, minimizing the number of new weeds brought to the surface. Collinear hoe - by Eliot Coleman, a narrow, angled blade and handle are useful Designed to cut small weeds with little soil disturbance. Eye hoe- Even as a grub hoe, is the heavy blade for chopping hard with tough, overgrown weeds.
Standard short-handled tools with care:
Hand cultivator - tinned tool, useful for the malfunction of the ground surface near the plantation youth to eradicate the weeds. Dandelion weeder - made to eradicate weeds with long tap-roots. Pavement weeder - a spatula to remove the weeds in the cracks of the slab of stone or brick walkways. Pruners - Pruning trees and shrubs promotes growth and good health, and cropdiseased wood helps control disease problems. Cutters are available in different sizes, if necessary. Choose a strong, high-quality cutting. Cutters - Garden tillers is also in size depending on the job. There are big, gas-powered tillers clods or large jobs, and small farmers, which are easy and useful for the cultivation of some perennial plants. Rent a couple of straws to try them before buying, because they differ a lot from each other and can be expensive. Sowers - WheelsPlanting tools that have changed the boxes inside for various sizes and distances of seeds are available and very useful if there are large plants. Tools of comfort - there are a variety of comfort-oriented garden accessories on the market. The range of products includes gloves, knee pads, small banks furniture / carts. It's up to you to decide what your needs change, if you need it at all ..
From Seed
Start your plants from seed is to ensure that theyfree of chemicals. Most transplants are sold in garden centers have been treated with chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The seeds can be purchased at garden centers coated with fungicides, so be very careful what you buy, or buy from a supplier of organic seeds. How to start plants from seeds, you have to barren soil, plants, sterile containers, and labels. It 'better to grow each plant in a separate container for the ribs to prevent damage to the roots and make for a less shockingTransplant. If you buy ground mixture, make sure it is sterile to spread the disease to prevent the plants.
To make your own mix, using vermiculite (a mica-based mineral that has been heated to expand to many times their original size), perlite (volcanic ash, which has been heated, and "slamming") and Sphagnum (moss has collected during his life were milled, dried and then finely). 1 tablespoon of lime for every 2 gallons of sphagnum moss, which is used to counteract the acid.Recipes for a good soil mix is 1 part sphagnum moss or vermiculite and 1 part to 1 part sphagnum moss, vermiculite and perlite. Seeds really need to heat, no light to germinate in order. The heat from a grow light or sunny window may suffice for some, but can be requested from the container in a hot or cold on a starting seed thermal pad.
Keep your wet planting seeds in moist mixture and cover with plastic wrap. Once you see the first signs of life, remove thewrap and put them somewhere where they will receive 8-10 hours of sunlight a day.
I completely take care of water with a spray sprays, not to spill or wash the plants off the ground. Before transplanting your seedlings outside, they must be accustomed to the different climate. Take them out and put them in a protected place a little 'shady for a few hours a day, gradually increasing their exposure to the elements for over a week or two. The plants have a zone, aArea average annual low temperature, where a plant is more likely in the region every year to withstand low temperatures basis. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a map that breaks the U.S. into 11 zones of production. Growth of plants that are out of your area is not impossible but will require special attention. Refer to when deciding what to plant, you get to a climate zone map with plants that thrive best inTheir area (see map).
Garden Design
The switch to chemical-free gardening not just say, if your gardening practices, but also your garden design. Gardening in beds, like the lines makes the contrast for better weed control, disease and pest control. The beds are also more attractive and easier to maintain. In a bed, everything is planted at hand. The leaves of neighboring plants shade the soil so that weeds. Diversity in a bed also has many advantages. ADiversity of plants in a mixed bed, some natural protection from pests difficult for pests to find and eat their destination or support systems of insects that are useful for your garden in search of insects harmful to win. It also reduces the chances that pests and disease organisms build epidemic proportions, as they are not able to accommodate the delicious yummy-hop host, as they would if they were planted in rows. Your plan will also make use of different implantation techniques.A good example is to plant corn with nitrogen swallowing the beans provide nitrogen. The coupling of some plants or plant varieties can help to keep the land for the balance of nutrients, ensure the plants happier and better crop yields. In fact, this technique has a name - companion planting.
Companion planting:
Much of the science of companion planting is to figure out what works for you. Many books give you information on what plants work well together. Some plants areAttractants, repellents, a few are inter-planted with trees and flowers, and some strong competition with each other, and should be planted in borders or hedges separated. For example, the sunflower plant attracts a good lacewings and parasitic wasps of the border, radishes are good for inter-system, because they repel the beetle striped cucumber and marigolds are good, as is the use of cross-border and inter-plant, floating win as a driver and repel root nematodes, beetles, Mexican bean, aphids andColorado potato beetle. It can be confusing, and not all systems work well together. The best thing is to start simple to determine which parasites can occur, and requires from there, changing the plants in flower beds from year to year. Often a mixture of flowers, vegetables and herbs work well together in a bed.
For a good guide to the basics of companion planting, contact successful Rodale Organic Gardening: Companion Planting. Your bed. Your bed is soas simple as marking off sections of 3-by-five-foot left the garden with paths between them. However, in order to optimize the benefits of planting in beds, you lift your bed. Raised beds offer easier, deeper, nutrient-rich, water-absorbing soil. Raised beds, but must be considered permanent, to get their glory. You can not walk on broken or down at the end of the season. You can create pages of your bed with bricks, stone or cedar 2-by-4-2-o-six tables to obtainthe form rather than calculation and redesign of the bed every year.
Stay away from pressure-treated wood, as wood preservatives, treated bad for you and the environment. How do you raised beds? With double-digging, of course! (This is also known as a tough job.)
Double dig raised beds.
1 Dig a foot top floor at one end of the bed. Groundcloth keep the soil in a wheelbarrow or in a.
2 Solve the exposed surface in a pushingspading fork prongs and their turning back and forth. For added convenience, a small amount of dissolved organic material and work like that reason.
3 Once the loose soil, move over and start removing the soil from the border with the next strip. This time, instead of the soil that was removed above the blade surface on which you have just added organic matter. You can get a little concerned 'more organic to the ground when you add shovel.
Repeat step 43
5 If the last line of your garden bed is reached, the soil given the last area to cover exposed surfaces.
6 Plan!
The compost is a great fertilizer and can help in the prevention of pests. Compost is created when the microorganisms that consume earthworms and nematodes and the decomposition of organic materials into simpler compounds. This process occurs more rapidly in a compost pile on, because these microorganisms have the need for heat, air and moisture, and asupply of raw materials other than digest. A heap requires active rotate each week to be added oxygen and maintain the rate of degradation, passive stack is a pile of organic material left to disintegrate over time - usually within 1-2 years. What method of composting you choose, is the first step, a compost pile. You can have layer of material in a stack, the creation of a heavy wire mesh (which works well for passive stack), made of wood or concrete-block-containers, or purchase a commercially madeto maintain the battery.
Some commercial vessels are spinning the spin you've done the job much easier. The ideal size for an active compost pile is 4 feet by 4 feet, although the size may vary. Choose a location that is shaded and well drained soil for your stack. Clean up any loose cover on the surface of the soil with a spading fork, and put a layer of wood chips or as a brush base. It can in the garden or kitchen waste, grass, newspaper, throwing dung, and sawdust. AvoidAdd kitchen waste, which is heavy oil products and meat. Shredded materials compost more quickly. Try layers of plant material (chopped leaves or straw) with nitrogen-rich materials (kitchen waste mixed with manure, blood meal) alternate. Keep your pile moist, on a similar level, expressed as a sponge and hold open pile with a tarp or heavy canvas, so they are not covered by water logging in the rain. If the pile is too dry, add water with the algae extract to hydrateand stimulate biotic activity.
Transform your active and regular batch, mixing and dissolving of materials with a fork opening ceremony to prevent overheating and keep the organisms happy and active. Ideal temperature composting focus should be between 140 ° to 150 °, or slightly higher temperatures if you are sick of composting of plant material to 160 degrees. Your compost pile of organic humus that will provide an ideal fertilizer for your garden. It saves you the money for the purchaseCommercial, synthetic fertilizers, many of which have been shown to contain toxic waste. A healthy soil is for strong plants. Plan your garden the most important thing you do in this season of growth. With a solid plan in place and established
Aims to minimize pest problems and frustration as possible, to maximize the growing season and that is, and your garden. All this while saving on grocery bills and increase the quality of food you take a giant step for him. ByPlanting an organic garden, you can also reduce carbon emissions for the production of some of your food (which does not require transportation or storage or packaging at the supermarket), thus contributing to the sustainability of our culture in general. Check out Thrifty & Green for more articles on how to save money and live green.
* Seeds of Change, 888-762-7333,
* The Gardener's Supply Company, 128 Intervale Road, Burlington, VT 05401, 888-833-1412, (fax)800-551-6712,
* Harmony Farm Supply and Nursery, 3244 Highway 116 North, Sebastopol, CA 95472, 707-823-9125,
* Peaceful Valley Farm Supply, PO Box 2209, Grass Valley, CA 95 949, 888-784-1722,
* Gardeners Alive, 5100 Schenley Place, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025, 812-537-8650,
* Bradley, after M., ed. Chemical-Free Yard & Garden, Ramus: Rodale 1991
* Troshynski-Thomas, Karen, the answer Handy GardenBook, Detroit: Visible Ink, 1999.
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